The most productive annotation platform for sensor-fusion data.

The Kognic Platform is a specialized software toolset designed for sensor-fusion of all types.

Explore your data to find the areas of highest impact for model performance and speed your team's journey in dataset production, from annotation to model training.

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Toolset snapshot

Don’t let the data overwhelm you

  • Quickly assess issues from sensor calibration, hardware dropouts and timestamp correlation.
  • Plot guidelines and safety criteria before engaging annotators, with detailed acceptance criteria mapped to every use case.
  • Utilize quality and time analyses, ambiguity tests, and quality checker apps for efficient and accurate dataset production.

Comprehensive use case coverage for all sensor-fusion.

The Kognic Platform supports the widest range of use cases and annotation types for Embodied AI.

From the simple and static, to the rare and complex, Kognic's tooling is ready for every occurrence, such as 2D/3D objects, 2D instance segmentation, freespace annotation, interior sensing, traffic signs/lights recognition, light source detection, camera blockage, etc.

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Solution snapshot

LiDAR use cases getting you down?

  • Adjust for temporal synchronization of objects from multiple LiDAR rigs.
  • Traceability and auditing from annotation back to LiDAR sources.
  • LiDAR undistortion of individual objects through relative motion compensation.
  • Automation and deep learning assistants for high-speed, quality-focused annotation.

Sensor-fusion datasets are growing in size and complexity. Are you ready?

Kognic provides your teams with a scalable platform and delivery process to handle dynamic datasets with confidence. 

The explosion in data captured by hybrid sensor environments including camera, radar and LiDAR is demanding a great deal from tooling and teams. Recognizing that proprietary data is where businesses will gain advantage, Kognic has seen dataset sizes inside our platform rapidly increase. And we've supported this growth without failure.

Smart and seamless automations.

How would you like to reduce annotator timelines by 50% or more? The promise of Pre-Annotations is real and fully enabled within the Kognic Platform.

Take advantage of "Model-in-the-Loop" integrations to better utilize pre-labeling. Having better confidence in your initial object models can unlock more cost efficiencies.

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Co-Pilot to the rescue

  • No more need for repeated point-cloud edits on common objects - propagate the most common edit across all instances.
  • Line Assist feature reduces the number of edits per frame cuboids in sequences.
  • Integrated foundation models, like Meta's SAM, for faster object recognition.

Market-proven, customer-trusted

In our commitment to Bosch, Kognic provides software and ground-truth deliveries, addressing a large roster of advanced use cases for their OEM commitments to bring ADAS/AD products to market.

This includes custom integration with LAPI, E2E support from upload-to-label-download, and self-serve configurators for their hybrid workforce.

Fine-tune what matters. 

Let's break the bad habit of correcting entire batches of data - nearly 30% of an average ground truth budget - by focusing on the data slices that matter.

Leverage human feedback to refine the data that provides the best impact on performance and safety. 

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Powerful ways to unlock Refinement

  • Flexible object-centric image grid for quick inspection and viewing of objects in-context
  • Sorting objects based on loss and model confidence
  • Filtering predicted or annotated objects
  • Creating chunks of data that needs further review or correction
  • Send corrections for follow-up directly through the UI


The Kognic Platform is built to run global dataset initiatives at scale.

> Manage multiple accounts and team members from a centralized workspace.
> Dedicated Support for custom troubleshooting and specialized training.
> Enterprise-grade security and protection, certified through ISO and TISAX.
> Self-serve configuration widgets for team onboarding, data upload and egress.

A deeper dive

Solution snapshots

People, process and performance.

  • Access to Kognic's Solutions Engineering team for enablement of custom integrations with your cloud/data center
  • Comprehensive API for key functions, such as uploading of Pre-Annotations and model predictions.
  • Workspace instances to manage entities like data, annotation instructions and configurations.

Expert Advisory Services

Most of our clients come with questions - which are always a great place to start. Kognic's Advisory Services team of perception experts, ML engineers, and data scientists will help guide, train, and advise your team on maintaining proprietary advantages with your data.

How do I start?